Interview with My Deck: Rider Waite Smith
To start us off in what will hopefully be a regular interview to get to know my decks better, I am using my husband’s deck, the Original Rider Waite Smith, which I’ve used for some VERY effective readings for his secretary in Kuwait, who shuffled them and then sent them back to me in England in hubby’s hand luggage – untouched by him!!!
1) How would you describe yourself?
The Four of Pentacles describes me very well, thank you. Pentacles represent earthly security, and fours represent stability and balance. I’d say I’m a very secure deck, grounded in reality, and truly tried and tested, as supported by the fact I am the most popular teaching deck ever. You can’t go far wrong with me!
2) What do you think of me?
The Ten of Cups represents joy and celebration. I think you grab life as it comes, and make the most of everything you can. You regularly practise gratitude for all that is good in your world, and as a result nothing really upsets you. You are the epitome of always looking on the bright side of life!
3) What type of readings do you like?
The Nine of Cups shows that I like readings which will bring the querent joy to their lives. I like to be used to help people find the positives in order that they might grasp them and work with them. Life is for living, so they say, and we might as well help people enjoy it!!!
4) What type of readings do you dislike?
The King of Wands can sometimes be a bit impulsive, being unpredictable in his actions. I am here for you, and I am always upfront with you. The King of Wands does not necessarily consider the feelings of those whom he expects to follow him. I try to be sensitive and break messages gently to those who ask me. I am not here to tell people what to do, or to boss people around. Rather, I am here to help them learn from their experiences.
5) What is your strength?
The Seven of Swords is a card which often teaches us to take what we want and leave the rest, as the chap in the image seems to be doing. But it also can let us know that not everything is as it seems. Whereas on first impression we might think our man is stealing those swords, he may well be rescuing them. His look of remorse at not being able to take the remaining two might not be due to unsatisfied greed, but rather sadness that he cannot save them. So I teach people to look at things from a different point of view, to help them understand underlying issues.
6) What is your weakness?
The Six of Swords in a position of weakness suggests that perhaps I am sometimes a little too kind to people, that sometimes I might be a little weak in my communication, and not always get across the true depth of meaning in what I want to say.
7) What can you teach me?
Justice is what I am here for. To help those who consult me to seek the truth and find the truths that they need to hear, in order to take the best action they see fit, given what they know. They say “the cards tell us what we need to know, and once we know we can change our minds.”
8) What do you need from me?
The Ten of Wands is a card of hard work and diligence. Please keep going with what you are doing, your labours are appreciated and will reap their due rewards when the time comes.