Interpreting the Cards

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This page is intended to help you explore the meanings of the cards as you start your own journey into the life lessons tarot has to teach us. I will be creating a page for each card, each suit, each number…. hopefully you will be able to find what you need.  Meantime, you might find the search bar on the right useful for helping you find whatever it is you’re looking for.

Major Arcana

Suit of Swords – If tarot is a class based society, then the Swords represent the upper echelons of society.  Only wealthy people had the financial means to purchase these, so here we have the elite among us represented… the Kings, Lords and Barons, so to speak. These were people who were in control, and Swords, representing the element of air, are associated with knowledge and logic.

Suit of Wands – Usually portrayed as a staff, these walking aids are known to represent travellers among us.  These would have referred to those who would travel to attain education, such as Doctors, Clergy and other academics. And quite often, our journeys would help us to attain spiritual enlightenment, hence the concept of journeying and spirituality are interwoven in tarot in the suit representing the element of fire.

Suit of Cups – Nearly everyone could afford a cup to drink from. The element of water represents our emotions and ability to show compassion and empathy… hence the saying “Our cups floweth over” is associated with love.

Suit of Pentacles – Often symbolised by a coin, and sought after by everyone in order to survive, the Pentacles, representing Earth, refer to matters of security. In this society we confuse such issues with our job, house, car and television, but traditionally they refer to our basic needs: food, clothing and shelter.