Kate Horn

I am a talented reader whose skills go back to early childhood.  In fact, I remember having a little tantrum in my Grandparents’ back garden when my Great Uncle Bill asked my Nana if I was “one” too, and she said yes. But when they explained I would row up to be a witch I was devastated.  Consolation came in the teaching that fairy Godmothers were witches too, and I would be THAT sort of witch!

I read from my heart, and my intention is to help you heal; so that you can see more clearly the choices in front of you, and move forwards safe in the knowledge that you are doing the right thing. Tarot tells us what we need to know, and once we know, we can change our minds!

My talents were honed and refined during 2018 when I took over editorship of the Tarot Association of the British Isles blog, which I transformed from this: TABI BlogSpot to this: TABI Blog.  During that time I was endorsed by them, and voluntarily did weekly free readings… the testimonials from which time can be found here: TABI Testimonials.

My readings are direct but sensitive. You can choose from a variety of decks I use, and a range of readings. Just read through your options below, and then email me at readings@britishtarot.com with your choice of spread and deck.

If you would like a reading from me, then please send me an email via readings@britishtarot.com

TABI Endorsement Certificate

——–TABI Endorsement Certificate——–