Interview with My Deck: Thoth Tarot
I am using my husband’s Thoth Tarot, a deck I have only used once to date. I have been quite gobsmacked so far by the refreshing honesty of the deck. Well, honesty is a bit soft a word there, although true. This deck is harsh. Truly sharp and to the point. You’ll see what I mean:
1) How would you describe yourself?
The 8 of Cups, Indolence.
I don’t give a toss. I do my own thing, and have absolutely no problem turning away from you if I don’t like you. And you won’t find it easy to like me either, I’m a tough cookie to crack.
2) What do you think of me?
XI, Lust inverted.
You’re a strong woman, you take a beating in your stride, you let it all wash over you like water off a duck’s back. But when you really feel the need, you’ve no qualms about using your magic touch to put things to rights. Any man who gets his hands on you is a lucky one, and he knows it.
3) What type of readings do you like?
The 8 of Wands, Swiftness.
I don’t like hanging around, so get a move on. If you want to get stuck right in there, then talk to me. I’ll give it to you proper, and I’ll lay it on thick and heavy.
4) What type of readings do you dislike?
The Queen of Cups Rx and II The Priestess Rx.
Can I be any clearer? You know the sort I mean, those sweet nurturing women who use the cards to gently nurture their lambs back to health. Keep the wishy-washy, lovey dovey nonsense out of it. I’ve no time for clinginess. And if you’re a delicate little flower who hasn’t got your balance, then I’ll tell you but I won’t sugar coat it. No beating around the bush to make it pretty for you. Go get an Angel deck if that’s what you want.
5) What is your strength?
The 7 of Disks, Failure:
Does that sound like a contradiction? Your weakness is my strength. I love telling you all about where you’re going wrong. How else will you learn what you need to put right? But you know what? I’ll keep working at it, and you don’t need to give me anything in return.
6) What is your weakness?
The 7 of Swords, Futility.
Yeah, yeah. I like a bit of fun, so not everything is always as it seems. You might think that makes me sound untrustworthy, but YOU should be careful how you interpret what I have to say. And you might not like it all, so just take what you want and leave the rest!!!
7) What can you teach me?
The Princess of Cups and XVIII The Moon inverted.
I’ll teach you the harsh reality of life. I know you’re one of those lovey dovey nicey whity type witches aren’t you, who sees the best in everyone? Well, I’m sorry, dear, but life isn’t like that. You’re gonna meet people who are NOT what they seem, who will deceive you and use you and wear you out. Watch out for them. Look into the shadows, and be sure to take stock of what’s lurking there.
8) What do you need from me?
VII Chariot inverted.
You wanna get ahead, but feel like you’re all over the show? Then use me. Get your act together, choose a direction, tighten up those reigns, stop waffling useless instructions and then you’ll start getting somewhere.