Lighthearted Lookahead: 8 of Cups
In General…
July is a time of escape, and good times lay ahead as fresh hope and freedom calls as school draws to an end and the holiday season kicks into full swing. The 8 of Cups tells us to let go, leave the worries behind and move on… to look forwards as we travel and let go of the stresses that bind us down. To enjoy the journey, and look at the beauty around us.
In Love…..
If you have been struggling with the decision whether to finish a current relationship, then this card is telling us to do just that. It’s time for a fresh start, and we need to put the old burdens down and leave them behind. The thought of leaving your lovely high school romance behind might be breaking your heart, but now is the time to detach with love and move forwards to explore fresh fields and all they contain.
If you’re not ready to let go of the old partner, then at least let go of the old resentments, practise a little forgiveness and move on with a lightened heart.
In Work….
A change is as good as a holiday, so if you’ve been considering moving on, then this is a good time to do it. Wave goodbye to all those colleagues who have been playing on your mind with their needless gossip and haranguing – you don’t need them any more, and this is your chance for a clean break.
Of course, if you can’t let go of the old job, then take that break, enjoy the peace, and let go of all those festering grudges. They are in YOU, and YOU get to chose your feelings. Do you want to let anger eat you up, or wold you rather forgive and forget? Go, take a break, and when you come back, start again with a new leaf and an open mind.
In Finances….
Do you REALLY need a new conservatory? Or a luxury cruise? Or a convertible Mercedes?
If these dreams are keeping you from dipping into your savings and enjoying what you have, then let go of those dreams. Knock up a lean to and throw a BBQ. or buy a DaySaver ticket and take a walk along the seafront. Make the most of what you have, and let go of the burdens and dreams you can’t really afford!
In Spirituality….
This is a great time to be spending time alone, moving forwards, and contemplating. We are told if we live in the past, we suffer from depression and regret. If we focus on the future, we suffer from fear. If we live in the moment, and let go of the burdens we have been dragging with us, we will find true freedom.