Life Lessons: King of Swords
When I started this series, it was intended to be a general card of the month. But of course, when I shuffle the cards, I am putting all of my energy into them, and seem to be pulling cards for ME. Which is fine… but I wonder if somehow my entire life story is going to be teased out of me via this channel!!! This month I have used the Casanova Tarot from Lo Scarabeo, a deck based on the life of a man who spent his life looking for the right path, seeking the right career path, upsetting the Powers the Were along his way; and becoming infamous for his risqué romantic escapades.
Last week I went to Court for the very first time. Not that I’ve done anything wrong, but to support my husband who is taking the Directors of a range of companies to task on their failure to fulfil their obligations. It’s all to do with an investment we made in a rental flat – since we’re expat we don’t have a pension fund so we needed to do something more useful with our money than keeping it in a bank losing value. Little did we expect to simply lose the whole investment… but I think that’s perhaps all I can say about the issue on a public platform.
I wasn’t in the least bit surprised to see the King of Swords, since I was asking how can I support him this month when things get incredibly heavy for him. He is doing this without legal support – so there is a lot for him to do: research, investigations, preparing reports and putting things into legalese ready for the battle (although I will say that the judge from the last hearing did ask him to keep his next report in simple English)! And he is going about this with a strong will, and clear determination. So yes, the King of Swords is the right card for him this month.
The King of Swords speaks of a strong will, and a clear head. Of educating oneself, and looking at issues using the head rather than the heart. Of a strong, forceful character moving forwards and taking no nonsense along the way. Look at this guy, already poised with his sword in hand to move forward and strike, even though he might be reposing. Look at his masked face, showing no sign of emotion. Feel the hardness of his demeanour.
But… my dilemma. How does this card advise me to support him, when the card is so clearly directed at him?
Well, for starters, I think I am being warned to prepare myself for a month of no nonsense. As much as I do like having attention lavished on me, this is not the time for romance and snuggles. This is a time to work and focus, and therefore I see my roles this month as clearing the path for him to do so. Maybe this is a month when I should step into a support role, and perhaps even cook for him and do his laundry, to effectively serve him as my King?
Now, I can feel your shackles rise already, but do you know what, he does more than his fair share to help me. He cooks, he cleans, he usually does far more around the house than I do. So maybe this is time for me to lift him up on a pedestal, so to speak, and give him the time and space to focus clearly on his battle? Of course, I may be missing a more obvious message here…. and I would appreciate it if you have any guidance to give me in this situation….