Agony Aunt: Time for Writing

Agony Aunt: Time for Writing

September 10, 2018 Off By Gael Erdhart

Dear Gael, I am currently having a dilemma regarding writing my book. At the moment I am juggling it with full-time studying and motherhood… I am thinking of taking time out once I have finished my studies to focus on my book. Do the cards think would this be a wise move? Love Belle x

Dear Belle, thank you for asking this question.  First of all I sympathise, motherhood isn’t easy, and combined with studying I am amazed that you are able to find time for any interests at all, much less writing a book!

I have used The Whispering Tarot by Liz Hazel to draw three cards for you, again using the Triple A spread.  I didn’t so much pull cards, as they leapt out of the deck!! These are the cards we drew:

Awareness: XIX The Sun

Acceptance: O The Fool inverted

Action: Princess of Swords inverted, 10 of Wands inverted

Bonus Card: XXI The World

At a glance this tells me that your life is pretty good right now, and despite the challenges you’re facing, you’re practising gratitude in all aspects. But all the inversion, representing issues which need addressing, tell me that you are having a little trouble starting out on the path you want to be on, and this might be simply because you are carrying too much load at the moment. So, let’s take a look at the cards in detail.

The Sun, as the bringer of light, is what gives life to this world. It nourishes all around it, nurturing those under its care through their growth. It is always there for us, even though it may sometimes hide behind a cloud, it’s light is guaranteed. We can rely on it absolutely! It appears as a reminder to be aware that all is well, and at the root of it all you are happy. The success you deserve is just around the corner, although it is not always the success that we are looking for!

The Fool represents a new journey. As he sets off on his new venture, he travels light, reaching for the stars, and not particularly worrying about where he is going. But that’s OK, he has a little guard dog at his heels, looking out for the hazards for him.  He has Faith, and he is ready to take a Leap of Faith. His appearance suggests that you have new ideas which you desperately want to start off on, and his appearance would suggest that you should follow your instincts and do it. But…

The fact that he is inverted suggests that you are having trouble setting out on this new journey. But that’s OK, he’s letting us know that we should accept this delay, it’s for the best.  It is a little pointless worrying about it, worrying never helped anyone!  When the path is right for you, it will open up.

In the Action position, the card advising us is the Princess of Swords. Now, Princesses are young and fresh, and have a whole journey of learning ahead of them. Inverted, she can be a demanding little madam, who generally has what she needs, but she sometimes feels a discontent and impatience that comes from a lack of Acceptance.  And the Swords are the suit of logic. So it would seem that you have new ideas coming through, ideas which you want to explore, and you have a craving to follow this train of thought.  For some reason Alice burrowing down the rabbit hole is coming to mind! It’s as though you want to race off and follow your heart, but you quite simply can’t fit through that hole – because you are carrying too much! You simply don’t have the freedom at the moment to let these thoughts come streaming out

I drew another card to clarify this situation and was given the 10 of Wands.  Again inverted. This suggests that your  main work (or in you case study) is starting to feel burdensome, but don’t worry, the time is nearly right for it to come to an end… you’ll soon be able to put that burden down, which will then free you up, and allow for you to focus on starting out on the journey which is destined for you.

You’ll be pleased to know that I then had another jumper… a jumper being a card which leaps right out of the deck, and insists on being seen.  This then becomes a bonus card, which I have place at the root of your spread.  In this case it was The World, which talks of completion of a phase, and well deserved recognition and giving of thanks. And of course, when one phase is completed, then it is time to move onto the next. What an amazing card to finish your reading on!

So, Belle, I really don’t think the cards have offered you any new information. You have clearly considered your situation carefully, and are already approaching life from a position of Acceptance and Gratitude. And when we hold the firm belief that everything is exactly as it should be, then we will know when the time is right to follow our heart and make that Leap of Faith.

I wish you the best of Luck in that journey!




As a long term member of various 12 step fellowships, Gael has a broad experience of counseling people who have been struggling with issues such as alcoholism and addiction; as well as women who have suffered abuse at the hands of alcoholics and addicts. She also sponsors women through the steps in fellowships which handle co-dependent relationship issues. As a guest columnist she brings her experience of this recovery to her readings, helping people to work through their underlying issues in a manner which will enable them to move forwards with gratitude.

If you have a dilemma which you think Gael might be able to help you untangle, please send her an email:



Please note: This reading should be viewed as entertainment only. It does not substitute for the consultation of medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. This reading is not legally binding.

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