Life Lessons: V The Hierophant

Radiant Rider Waite Tarot
V – The Hierophant
I am honoured to be teaching a small class of tarot enthusiasts here in Liverpool. Twice a month we meet to develop our knowledge as we journey through the Arcana, and every day we stay in touch using a small WhatsApp group. We started by brainstorming quotes we thought would fit each card of the Major Arcana; and now we are drawing a card a day from the Major Arcana, asking, as we draw, a question. Then we try to apply the message we receive from the cards to our daily life. The question I asked the group today was:
“How can I set to rights a wrong I have done”
I drew the Hierophant. And admittedly, this was a most difficult question so I hesitated in posting it to our group… but this morning things started to fall into place and now make sense.
First. It is my deceased fathers birthday, so naturally he has been on my mind today.
Unfortunately when I think of him I usually revert back to thinking of the abuse that existed in our relationship. But of course it takes two to tango. So for sure I played a part in the antagonism between us.
Now, I have had him communicate with me through mediums several times and I know we have forgiven each other.
I have also been told that he’s jealous… I spend too much time communicating with other ancestors but not with him.
Second, I think of the Hierophant as a card of spirituality and meditative introspection… since I believe that God dwells deep inside each of us. In my understanding, when the Hierophant appears, it tells me that I haven’t been spending enough time focussing on my spirituality, on connecting with my God. I believe firmly that each of us needs to spend some time every day in silent prayer, meditation and contemplation before we go racing about our day, putting our feet in it left right and centre.
So I feel this message appearing today is about sitting and taking time to meditate in his honour on his birthday… to practise gratitude for all he taught me, and to keep focusing on the forgiveness in my heart so I can change the direction my thinking takes when he comes to mind to make it a positive experience.
And I am glad this card came up – it had me wandering back to this post I wrote as a Eulogy when he passed away. I was asked to read it at his funeral, which I did, and the tears flowed freely!! Thank you Dad, I love you loads x