Interview with my Deck: Whispering Tarot
1) How would you describe yourself?
Queen of Wands – I may look very pretty, and indeed I am a very well presented deck, but I have a fiery passion inside which can’t be denied. I will show you the truth from within, and I certainly won’t beat about the bush as I do it – but I will do it kindly and in an uplifting way. By the time we have finished, we will be the best of friends, and you will feel on top of the world!
2) What do you think of me?
The Hanged Man – To be honest, Kate, you’ve been hanging around too long!! You are good at what you do, when you do it, but I think you have been taking the easy way out and just watching the world go by. That probably makes you feel all calm and spiritual, and people might even comment how serene you are on account of how you’ve learnt to stay out of the fray. But really… you need to get down off that perch and enjoy some action sometimes!
3) What type of readings do you like?
4 of Cups – I might be fiery, but I like to sort of readings where we can take our time, sit back and reflect deeply on the issues. By gazing deep into that deep pool, by letting the waters settle, we can see deep into the underlying issues and really get to the heart of the matter.
4) What type of readings do you dislike?
6 of Cups – If you want to stay stuck in a rut, then why are you even here having a reading? The point of Tarot is to help us resolve our underlying issues so we can move on with life. If you are unwilling to let go of the past and how things used to be, then you might as well just keep your rose tinted specs on and just wait for your Knight in shining armour to trot along and make it all better. Which he won’t by the way.
5) What is your strength?
King of Pentacles – I am balanced and level headed. Even though you might initially fall for my zest and passion, you will find that out of it all comes balance and stability. I will ask you to bring balance into your life, for after all, we are threefold beings, and we need to nurture our bodies, our minds and our souls in order to find serenity.
6) What is your weakness?
6 of Wands. I like to leave the fray behind. When life gets to hectic, just jump up behind me and we’ll move away… forget about it all. Hell, if you can’t be bothered looking deep into those issues, then who am I to try and force you?
7) What can you teach me?
The Magician inverted – We have the world at our fingertips, and we have the tools to bring the balance I spoke about to your life. But beware, there will always be always pitfalls along our path, and I can show you how to work with these. We will learn how to handle these issues using the tools we have at our disposal… and we will learn to use them harmoniously. Do you believe in synchronicity? Well, if you have faith then God will do the work for you…
8) What do you need from me?
Queen of Swords inverted – I need a reader who will say it as it is. Someone who is willing to look deep into the issues, and not beat around the bush when addressing what needs to be done. You must have no fear of hurting a namby pamby querent who can’t face up to the truth.