The Golden Hermetic and Fortune Telling Tarot Deck
Descent and Ascension within the Suit
Each Suite has fourteen cards.
The first three cards of each Suite are representing the so-called World of Emanation, Atziluth which is composed by the first three Sephirot.
The Aces represents Keter; the Twos represents Chockham, and the Threes represents Binah.
The next World descending on the Tree of Life is the World of Creation, called in Hebrew Briah. The Fours represents Chesed, the Fives represents Gevurah, and the Sixes represents Tiferet.
Going further down is the World of Formation, known as Yetzirah. The Sevens represents Netzach, the Eights represents Hod, and the Nines represents Yesod.
Finally, the World of Manifestation has only one Sephirot, Malchut which is represented by the Tens.
The eleventh cards are the Pages. Interestingly, the pages also represent Assiah, the World of Manifestation and after we have descended on the Tree of Life, now we will start climbing, ascending back to the top.
The twelfth cards are the Queens, representing Yetzirah, the World of Formation.
The thirteenth cards are the Knights, representing Briah, the World of Creation.
The Kings, which are the fourteenth cards, represent Atziluth, the World of Emanation.
The Numerals of the Suite represent descent, while the so-called Court Cards represent ascension.
The Golden Hermetic and Fortune Telling Tarot Deck is a traditional Tarot deck based on the teachings of Éliphas Lévi, S. L. MacGregor Mathers founder and head of the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn (and mentor of Aleister Crowley), Arthur Edward Waite, Oswald Wirth, Etteilla and Papus.
To some extent, the GHaFT Tarot deck is a modern re-rendering of the legendary Papus deck. The drawings of Gabriel Goulinat inspired most of the Major Arcana cards.
The Court Cards follows the style, touch and woodcut feel of the Tarot of Marseille, while the design of the Numerals is geometrical pattern based which facilitates identifying the cards and the connections between the cards easily.
My name is Attila Blága, Tarotator
I am from Transylvania, and I am a Tarotrolog, Tarot reader and artist. I could tell you stories about how I am the grand-grandson of Attila the Hun, the nephew of Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, but I will not. I am not selling fairytales, but an instrument of prediction and self-development, a tool which may help someone to learn things about the Universe and her or his personality. Knowing yourself is knowing the Universe, knowing the Universe is knowing yourself. As Above, So Below!