Celebrating Sabbats: Samhain
As the veil between our world and theirs grows thin during the time of Samhain, now is a good, good time to communicate with our ancestors, and lay any ghosts to rest, in order to start the fresh New Year with a clean slate.
This spread is one I came across last year. I am afraid I have lost the original source – if you know it please let me know so I can link to that site. My husband and I practised the spread sitting in our campervan, after having attended our first proper ritual down at the gates of KMPC, on the fracking front line. They were fascinating spreads… So I have decided to return to it this year, and to honour its author by using and publishing it for this year’s spread.
Now, I particularly wanted to use my newish Housewives Tarot to communicate with my Grandma, which was the intent I shuffled into the deck. Now lets take a look and see if she’s answered!
1. Who are you? Please describe your personality to me.
Oh my God. Seriously. The Six of Pentacles, which I consider to be the card of sharing, portrays a young child in Halloween Costume looking onto a giant plate of biscuits. Staring right at me I see a Jammy Ring – this is just like coming for tea with Grandma! The LWB talks about offering up the best you can… now I’m remembering the fresh baked biscuits I used to love help making. The kitchen was just a feast of fun things to eat…
2. Looking back at the life you led, what is your opinion of yourself during that lifetime?
The Moon inverted tells me that not everything was as it seemed. You put on a very respectable face, appeared to be the perfect lady. Not spoilt, but well tended to. But the face you were putting on didn’t nearly justify you. It was designed to hide those deep dark secrets that society would condemn back then…. but you left the evidence behind so clearly. And the more I learn, the more thigs I find in this old house of yours which fit perfectly, then.
3. What is your honest impression of me at this time?
The Star inverted. The card of dreams come true, but it’s inverted. Why? Do you think I’m following the wrong dream? Or are you telling me that my dreams will come true, but they might be slow in coming? But patience is a virtue, and I can wait!
4. Why have you chosen to communicate with me on this day?
Two of Swords inverted – You didn’t have any choice in the matter did you?
5. What message would you like me to know?
Seven of Cups- I should consider my choices more carefully; rather than racing ahead and making the wrong decision.
6. What issue in my life does this message concern?
Knight of Pentacles inverted…. this is somebody who has come into my life in a monetary situation… and if The Knight of Pentacles suggests that he is taking it slow and easy, then perhaps this guy is also racing ahead, even though it may be with the best of intentons. So perhaps I am getting caught up in his enthusiasm, and need to stop making hasty decisions. A second card pulled yields the Ace of Swords… a hand holding his favourite carving knife… but again upside down. It seems his new plan might not work after all…
7. If I follow your advice, what will the outcome be?
The Devil inverted. Seriously? This card came up in a reading I did for this guy last month, and The Devil card came up overlying his whole existence – so if we can get past the troubles he is struggling with then that would be great. I so hope this card will mean he will let them go – NOT that they will worsen! How would I know?
8. Are you at peace where you are right now?
Oh. Nana! The Five of Swords has your dressmaking scissors, and dresses and cotton… that, if I remember right was where you were happiest, at your sewing class and making your own clothes? It’s like Nana heaven!
9. What one thing would you recommend I do in this lifetime?
The Sun tells me to enjoy it, and to love my man… to nurture and care for him, and enjoy it while I do it.
10. Any last, closing words?
Five of Pentacles inverted.
Oh. The woman is crying over a broken plate. I think this is telling me to stop worrying about broken crockery, and go in the loft, and get the best plates down for Christmas. It’s how Christmas should be. Thank you Nana x