Agony Aunt – Father’s Day Distress
Dear Caitlyn
I am a 55 year old father of six and I received contact from only one of them today on father’s day. I am concerned about whether I lack fathering skills and am wondering if I need to be more responsive and open to them.
Regards, Edward
Dear Edward
Today for your reading I’m using the Druid Craft Tarot deck as I feel this deck provides guidance for family issues. I have used a 3 card spread to help answer you question. The first card drawn was The World, 2nd card was The Moon and finally the 3rd The Lord reversed. The presence of three major arcana cards denotes a big significance to you.
Pulling this card denotes that all you have and want is there for you. Just believe in your self and now that you have all the skills required to be the father you are. A new world… a new day, only you can make the change.
The moon shows me you have struggled with past issues relating to your children. It has made you feel lost and confused and sometimes angry at the way you have been treated.You seem to be stuck in old thought patterns and not seeing what you have achieved by way of the World card.
The Lord (known as The Emperor in most decks) in reverse shows that as a father figure you have a lack of self worth and belief. It’s time to grasp the moment as you have a beautiful opportunity to start afresh by embracing the world card of abundance, success and happiness. By doing this you will be able to finally let go and be the father you truly are.
Best wishes