I found it useful to create my own journal. In that journal, which contained a page dedicated to each Minor Arcana card and two for each Major card plus plenty of spare space for other notes, I would jot down any sayings and definitions which completely resonated with me.
I found that by choosing ine key word, and one saying per card, it helped to act as a memory trigger as to what message each card was trying to impart. But it wasn’t as simple as that. what I have found is that if The Moon comes up in twenty different readings on the trot, then the moon card will have twenty different messages on the trot. How do we know what is the intended message? We follow our gut. We don’t always get it right, but we acknowledge our mistakes and learn from them. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves of and start all over again.
The key is practise. Keep practising. Practise on your friends (with their permission). Practise on yourself. I personaly would ask friends to shuffle the cards, then I would take them home and lay a spread in the privacy of my own kitchen. Then I’d record my gut feelings… a blind reading, so to speak. Then I’d listen to the recording, and compare what I’d said with notes in my books. Then I’d do a second recording, and send my friend that via WhatsApp, along with a photo; asking only for their feedback in return for my time. It worked. before I knew it, I was sending the first recording to my friends, and that’s when I knew I was ready to do cold readings.
That’s what worked for me. If you are serious about your tarot path, you fill find a way that works for you too. And if you think I can help you, then contact me. I am here to help x Oh…. and I intend to post a series of helpful articles here which will help you through your tarot journey… watch this space!