3 Card Reading
I have a gift. One that has run through the family for generations. I can read cards, and interpret messages. To be honest I can’t tell you where they come from. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in One God or many Gods; one Spirit or many Spirits; Universal Consciousness; Synchronicity… great men thoughout the ages haven’t been able to agree on exactly what IT is. But IT has a voice, and the Tarot is one of them.
I once heard it said
“Tarot tells us what we need to know.
Once we know, we can change our minds!”
And just to prove it works, I have some extracts from testimonials I have received. They are all redacted, since I have removed all references to how tarot helped my querents, to protect anonymity; but I hope you will get the gist of how my readings have been received:
– What a shiny star you are! Thank you so much for taking such time and care over my reading. It is absolutely spot on!
– Spectacularly appropriate reading, Katie. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You’re a truly gifted reader.
– All in all, a very insightful reading. Thank-you very much for your time!
– Thanks very much for the insightful reading, I really do appreciate your time and efforts. I certainly can resonate with the cards drawn…. Thanks again for the reading Kate. It has given me a lot to ponder and work with. Have a wonderful day!
– The reading is great! Thank you for your generosity.
– Hello Kate – Wow thank you so much for the very accurate reading. My goodness you described the situation exactly as it is. Your reading is extremely accurate, almost as if we sat down together face to face and had a chat about things so thank you so much for that! I wish you well and am grateful for your insight.
– Thank you so much for taking the time to do this reading for me and to send such a comprehensive explanation. I’d say you have basically hit the nail on the head throughout… you did a great job and I appreciate it very much.
– Wow Kate! Everything you said resonates with me like right on the money!!!!!! This reading gave me hope and a heads up! You are truest good at what you do… thank you love and light!!!
– Thanks for my reading! Your reading sums up my life right now.
– Thank You for the reading. I’m surprised. It is so accurate about my situation…
And just for even more brag factor (actually, don’t forget this blog also serves as my diary, so now I’m just compiling my favourites that I want to remember), here are some from my old mentor when I finished the endorsement process at TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles):
- Kate has completely sand-blasted the endorsement process with some stunningly insightful readings.
- It has been a total joy being her mentor.
- I have a small tear in my eye.
- You’re a real asset to the association.
And during the mentorship:
- This is so tightly written. Beautiful rhythm to your writing. It just flows.
- I am standing up and applauding. This is a very high class reading for me. Superb.
- Bang! I love it. Nice and direct. Let’s hope she gets the message.
- Such a seemingly innocent question has led somewhere very deep… Well done… I think this is sensitively written.
- What a fabulous reading. I think that you’ve found the right tone: honest without being blunt. Throughout the reading you try to be supportive towards the querent.